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Bangladesh Floods Appeal

The people of Bangladesh are in urgent need of humanitarian aid NOW. There is an ...

Afghanistan Floods Appeal

The people of Afghanistan are in urgent need of humanitarian aid NOW. There is an...

Gaza Emergency Appeal

In the wake of Israeli attacks on Gaza, the majority of the population relies on h...

Sponsor an Orphan

Imagine having to grow up without parents, no hope of where your next meal will co...

Food Parcels

Many impoverished nations go without electricity, gas, and fuel for prolonged amou...

Sadaqah Jariyah Fund

With national and international projects, we require funds to operate and ensure w...


Donate your Zakat through As-Suffa and support the needy locally and international...

Sadaqah Meat

Our Sadaqah Meat project provides some of the Gambia poorest madrassa students in ...

Water wells

Everyday families in Africa and Asia walk for miles, just to get contaminated wate...

Syrian Refugee Family Sponsorship

These families live in dire conditions with limited or no income, poor medical fac...


In Pakistan there are more than 4 million orphans, whilst in The Gambia there is e...

Hifdh sponsorship

Sponsoring a child to become a hafidh or Quran is one of the best forms of Sadaqah...
