Your Zakat

Zakat the third Pillar of Islam to give charity to those in need

Give your Zakat

Zakat is the annual payment made by Muslims to support those most in need. It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is a key part of the Islamic faith. By donating a percentage of your wealth in order to help those less fortunate than yourself, you can please Allah (SWT) while supporting your brothers and sisters locally and across the world.

One who pays Zakat, Allah will make their wealth increase


Zakat Guidance

“Ṣadaqah (Zakat) is for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [Zakat] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveller – an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.”  (Quran 9:60). The above verse singles out eight types of people deemed eligible to receive Zakat. They have been identified as:

  • Al-Fuqara’ (The poor)
  • Al-Masakin (The needy)
  • Al-Amilina Alayha (Administrators of Zakat)
  • Al-Mu’allafah Qulubuhum (Reconciliation of Hearts)
  • Fir-Riqab (those in Bondage)
  • Al-Gharimin (Those in Debt)
  • Fī-Sabilillah (In the Cause of Allah)
  • Ibn al-Sabil (The Wayfarer)

As-Suffa will distribute Zakat to the first two categories only (the poor and the needy). Additional to this, As-Suffa will only distribute to Muslim service user(s) of As-Suffa Trusts Projects who has completed the As-Suffa Zakat Application and declared all income and expenses, assets and debts. This is to demonstrate that the person’s circumstances mean that they cannot, or will soon not be able to, finance their basic needs (food, clothing and accommodation).

Zakat donations to As-Suffa Trust can be received in a multiple of ways. These include via the website (, bank accounts, cash/cheque – via the office, online portals (MyTenNights, Ramadhan Giving, Justgiving, Givebrite, LaunchGood, etc).

The donor must clearly specify that the amount is a zakat payment. The website and online portals have dedicated zakat causes/projects, however, when donating zakat via cash/cheque/bank transfer, the onus is on the donor to clearly reference and stipulate that the amount is for zakat purposes.

  • We have chosen not to take any admin fee to ensure 100% of the zakat is transferred to the beneficiaries.
  • Zakat should be distributed within one year of collection.
  • Zakat does not necessarily have to be paid in cash.
  • Zakat can be distributed in kind as long as the value covers the Zakat liability.
  • The Zakat payment should be unconditional.
  • A service cannot be stipulated in lieu of a Zakat payment.
  • The Zakat application can only be assessed by trained As-Suffa Zakat champions.
  • The Zakat payment can only be made to service users of As-Suffa Trust’s projects and 3rd party partner organisations that have specifically setup Zakat services.
  • Zakat will be distributed locally and internationally.

100% of Zakat is spent on Zakat eligible projects and beneficiaries. These include international aid projects that are zakat eligible (e.g orphan sponsorship, yemen emergency appeal, Somalia draught etc) and also people who are eligible in the UK and apply using the zakat application form. In this instance, if successful, the beneficiary will receive the zakat payment as cash (this is usually transferred via bank, if this is not possible, then cash will be given and recorded).

Zakat eligible students who attend the full-time Alimiyyah, Heirs of the Scholars, Diploma or Hifdh courses will be eligible to apply for the zakat concessionary fund to help pay for the course fees.

All UK applicants must apply using the zakat application form.

Gift aid can also be claimed on zakat payments, if the zakat donor is eligible and willing to complete a gift aid declaration. This element will be treated as a general donation and allocated to any area of As-Suffa Trusts work which can include zakat eligible project(s) or beneficiaries.

All Zakat appeal applications should be directed to our zakat team at the first instance. The details are as follows: [email protected]

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