Home Appeals Ramadan 2024


This Ramadan, millions will suffer worldwide if they don’t receive access to food, water and vital humanitarian aid. Your Sadaqah and Zakah can make a massive impact today.

Support Us

Provides a Ramadan Food Parcel for a family of up to 5 people


Provides 100 nutritious and hot meals


Monthly sponsor for a needy orphan


Another Ramadan is upon us, the holiest month of the entire year. On this side of the world, many of us partake in family gatherings where we indulge in delicious dishes for iftar, we spend plenty of time with our loved ones at home and in the masjid to gather those special deeds, and we make the most of our opportunities to get closer to Allah s.w.t.

Sadly, in other parts of the world, Ramadan is a real struggle. Millions find it difficult to fast as they simply cannot afford to open or break their fast. Many children face malnourishment, disease, hunger, thirst and displacement. There are widows and elderly who wait for many days for the aid trucks to arrive, and in some places, they never do.

This Ramadan, As-Suffa Relief are on a mission to make a difference, but we need your generous support.

  • SYRIA - Millions forgotten.
  • GAZA - 2.3 million are waiting for help.
  • YEMEN - 23 million rely on humanitarian aid.
  • AFGHANISTAN - A country on the brink of collapse.
  • GAMBIA - Many millions are living on less than $1 a day.

Please support our Ramadan campaign, OUR CHILDREN OUR FUTURE, and help us not only make an impactful difference in the lives of our desperate orphans and children, but also to relieve the distress and suffering of the widows, elderly and the miskeen.

Your donations are a lifeline for them in this blessed month.

  • £40 - Provides a Ramadan Food Parcel for a family of up to 5 people in countries such as Gaza, Yemen, Afghanistan and Syria.
  • £40/m - Can sponsor a needy orphan child with all that they require on a monthly basis in Pakistan, Lebanon or Palestine.
  • £100 - Can provide 100 nutritious and hot meals in Gaza, Syria, Yemen, Gambia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and many more.


Our Ramadan is never complete or joyous if our beloved family members are in any pain or ailment, but are the people in Gaza our family too? What about the Afghans, Syrians and Yemenis? There are also millions in Africa relying on us.

We were taught by our beloved prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم that this ummah is likened to one body, and if one part is feeling any pain, then the remainder should feel it too. As our fellow Muslims face hunger, thirst, cold, displacement, homelessness, trauma and distress, we must also feel their pain and respond in an adequate way to rid them of this pain and distress.

By making a donation this Ramadan to As-Suffa Relief’s lifesaving projects, you will bring about relief and comfort to millions.
We urge you to love for others as you would love for yourself and make use of this opportunity to earn immense rewards in the most blessed of months by showing mercy and compassion to those who need it the most.

The Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

‘Whoever relieves a believer’s distress of the distressful aspects of this world, Allah will rescue him from a difficulty of the difficulties of the Hereafter.”

[Book 16, Hadith 29]


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Ramadan 2024

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