Islamic Giving

As-Suffa's multifaceted approach reflects its dedication to embodying the teachings of Islam.

Islamic Giving

As-Suffa is actively involved in a diverse array of endeavors that are firmly rooted in Islamic Principles and Values. These activities span various facets of societal welfare, community development, and humanitarian initiatives, all guided by the ethical precepts and teachings of Islam. Through its engagements, AS-SUFFA endeavors to uphold compassion, justice, and empathy, while fostering inclusivity, solidarity, and the pursuit of the common good. Its commitment to Islamic Principles and Values manifests in initiatives aimed at promoting social justice, alleviating poverty, providing education, offering humanitarian aid, and fostering interfaith dialogue. AS-SUFFA's multifaceted approach reflects its dedication to embodying the teachings of Islam and making a positive impact in the lives of individuals and communities, both locally and globally.

Sadaqah Meat

Our Sadaqah Meat project provides some of the Gambia poorest madrassa students in ...

Sadaqah Jariyah Fund

With national and international projects, we require funds to operate and ensure w...


Donate your Zakat through As-Suffa and support the needy locally and international...


As-Suffa Relief allows you to fulfil your Kaffarah obligation by providing food fo...


Your Fidya donation can make a significant impact on the lives of those facing hun...

Food Parcels

Many impoverished nations go without electricity, gas, and fuel for prolonged amou...
