Home Appeals Emergency Morocco Earthquake Appeal

Emergency Morocco Earthquake Appeal

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Support Morocco Earthquake Relief Efforts

Morocco has been struck by a devastating earthquake, and immediate help is needed! Lives are at risk, and every second counts.

Current Statistics:

  • More than 820 people have tragically lost their lives after a powerful earthquake struck central Morocco.
  • The earthquake measured a magnitude of 6.8, causing widespread devastation.

We Need Your Help NOW:

  • Families are displaced
  • Homes are destroyed
  • Medical aid is urgently required
  • Hunger and thirst are widespread

“Who ever relieves the distress of a believer in this world, Allah will relieve them of some distress on the day of judgement”

Urgent Needs, Immediate Action

  • Emergency shelter and essential supplies: Families need tents, blankets, warm clothing, and hygiene kits to survive the harsh cold nights.
  • Medical care: Hospitals require support with medication, equipment, and personnel to treat the injured and prevent further health complications.
  • Food and clean water: Ensuring access to safe food and clean water is crucial to prevent disease outbreaks and maintain essential sustenance.

Join the Response, Bring Hope to Morocco:

  • Donate today and be a part of the critical relief efforts supporting communities ravaged by the earthquake.
  • Your contribution goes beyond immediate aid; it fosters hope for a brighter future, helping families rebuild their homes and livelihoods.
  • Together, we can stand with the people of Morocco in their time of need and demonstrate the power of global solidarity.




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