30 Nights of Ramadan

Maximise your Ramadan's blessings, split your donations across all 30 nights.

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Ramadan 2024

Another Ramadan is upon us, the holiest month of the entire year. On this side of the world, many of us partake in family gatherings, sadly, in other parts of the world, Ramadan is a real struggle.

Gaza Emergency Appeal

In the wake of Israeli attacks on Gaza, the majority of the population relies on humanitarian aid to survive.

Food Parcels

Many impoverished nations go without electricity, gas, and fuel for prolonged amounts of time. This means that hundreds and thousands are without cooked food for long periods.

Sponsor an Orphan

Imagine having to grow up without parents, no hope of where your next meal will come from or if you’ll even find shelter. Imagine fleeing your country, left to fend for yourself not knowing what the next day will bring.


Donate your Zakat through As-Suffa and support the needy locally and internationally. You will not only be fulfilling an obligation but also making huge impact.